RHI Magnesita: We'll take you on a phygital journey
The installation consisted of four interactive “hypeboxes” (Transparent LCD-Touchscreens) that guided users through the lifecycle of Magnesita products, focusing on “REFRACTORY 4.0” and two LED walls to provide their mission: “We are the driving force of the refractory industry – taking innovation to 1.200 C° and beyond!”
The LED Walls - customer friendly and attractive
We created both 3D rendered and video/motion content for a 26 x 2.5 meter curved LED wall displayed in 10386px x 960px resolution showcasing additional brand material provided by RHI Magnesita—highly visible for all visitors of the trade show. Additionally a display in the VIP zone was staged at 2.5 x 2.5 meters which conveyed RHI’s Magensitas core communication & brand claims.

An interactive discovery...
Not only their most important bricks could have been experienced physically, but their overall topics were transported digitally. For this purpose we utilized the interactive hypebox displays and produced custom UI/UX design to represent the brand’s product lifecycle - four of them were available at the booth.

The overall topic _“Refractory 4.0 – from mining to production to full service solutions!“_ was split into four main subjects: Mining 4.0, Manufacturing 4.0, Supply Chain 4.0, and Application Solutions 4.0. Visitors could explore them virtually and were able to go into deeper exploration of topics like big data, digitalization, automation & robotics, process safety, and sustainability.

The fair installations high-engagement levels successfully attracted many trade visitors. After all, we believe that a mix of physical and digital aka “phygital” content is indispensable for creating next level show-stealing experiences at trade events.