Competence Center ML2R

AI Research Web Showcase

The world-renowned Fraunhofer Institute has asked us to showcase their exceptional expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning research in a new way to help society, public authorities and businesses understand the complex topic of artificial intelligence and showcase the work of the Fraunhofer Institute on a global scale.

The Challenge

The problem with scientific work is often that it is difficult for outsiders to understand and is not very accessible. Especially in these days, users on the internet don't read through pages and pages of reports to understand everything. So we had to find a way to make the work of the institute both understandable and presented in a way that would arouse curiosity and be easy to understand.

How can AI understand humor?

Together with the institute's experts, we worked through the various research papers and identified possible projects for a showcase. In particular, their paper on humor and the difficulty of teaching that to machines caught our eye.

Showcase for current AI research

As funny as this may sound, as demanding as it was to dive into the topic and fully understand all of its aspects. That’s why we worked closely with ML2R scientists to gain a better understanding of the science behind it and how we can eventually visualize their findings in an easy-to-understand way.

Access through Storytelling

We set out to make the scientific content accessible to a broad clientele. So we decided to create an interactive web experience that strives to present the topic around the AI study in a comprehensible way using a story centered around a joke itself - all while still providing sufficiently detailed information.

Custom-made Cartoon

The best way to explain the research of "how to teach AI humor" is, of course, by starting with a joke. We created a 3D animated custom cartoon video based on an annoyed cat-owner who desperately tries to abandon his pet but fails every time. The joke itself has been set up with the perfect structure to explain how AI understands humor.

Hand-crafted from scratch

All characters and objects in the joke were built from scratch by our 3D Designer using Blender. As the video lays the foundation for the experience, we put great emphasis on the authenticity of the characters' behavior as well as their facial expressions.

Custom-made Cartoon
Is it fun?

AI4Jokes has been successfully integrated in the web appearance of the Fraunhofer Institute and is available in German as well as English.

Competence Center ML2R

AI Research Web Showcase