The HXM expedition from SAP

SAP, one of the global leaders in business software, approached us at Demodern to create a web experience communicating the benefits of its latest Human Experience Management software suite. Our solution created a story that weaves together both the software, and its target audience, in an interactive and immersive way.

Human focused storytelling

We decided to leave the world of typical software communications, and tell a story that focuses on human connections and emotions.

Taking the leap

Our story centers around a vibrant and diverse antarctic research team facing the same modern day problems as the businesses and people within SAP's target audience - creating positive employee experiences, empowering people within the organization, and keeping teams connected, inspired and motivated.

Taking the leap


Users take control of the story by scrolling throughout the narrative, becoming actively involved in finding the right software solutions to solve work-related challenges such as workload stress, lack of motivation, or career path adjustments.

Scroll to interact

The scrolly-telling technique combines visuals and text that change as the user scrolls - promoting interactivity. This solution also helps to make longer, more detailed information easier to understand.

A fresh new look

To visualize all of this, we designed and hand-illustrated the world in which our characters were born.

Frame by frame

Our visual style also took on a more human approach with our hand-illustrated graphics and frame-by-frame animations.

The Animations were first created in 3D using basic shapes and polygons. We then used these as the basis for our hand-drawn animations, adding background and foreground elements to create the parallax scrolling effect.

A fresh new look
Software Visualization made interesting

Bringing everything together with recreated version of the SAP software was crucial. The story was only the vehicle - the SAP software was the destination. In the end, we took their software and reapplied it to our visual direction, cleaning up the experience and focusing on the important parts of the software. The results have been an active and engaged user - over nine minutes time-on-site - and a clear understanding of the benefits and strengths of SAP's software solution.


The HXM expedition from SAP