Aplicaciones Móviles

Desarrollamos aplicaciones nativas y aplicaciones web para todas las plataformas actuales. Tablet, smartphone, smartwatch o portable.

Desarrollamos aplicaciones nativas y aplicaciones web para todas las plataformas actuales. Tablet, smartphone, smartwatch o portable.

Casos de uso

Mobile service

We provide flexible and intelligent mobile apps that make use of well-designed interfaces and state-of-the-art technologies. Through travel guides, service app solutions, and in-door navigation with location-based services (LBS), we make it possible to solve every-day problems with connected mobile devices.

Conversational assistants

We design mobile applications that promote dialogue, whether within a community, between brands or services, or even through the assistance of messaging bots. We use codes and bots to deliver contextually appropriate starting points for entertaining and informative dialogue. We also program the bot intelligence to convey natural tonality and texts.

AR/VR and mixed reality

We use the newest technologies and the design data of our customers' products to create fascinating, custom-designed virtual experiences. The result is virtual worlds for mobile VR headsets and impressive mixed reality applications that can be used for cutting edge planning visualizations, e-commerce, configurators.

Connected environments

Invisible, smart, and ever-present, the gadgets and devices of the Internet of Things will dominate our everyday lives. We develop environments that enable intelligent devices to access relevant services through chips, tags, and sensors so that customized content can be delivered to people in real time.

Shopping experience

Our concepts and apps provide ideal solutions for mobile commerce. We integrate our applications with merchandise management systems and provide stimulation to buy through added value, configurators, and services. Particularly at the POS, we provide fast, innovative solutions through smart checkout ideas (via codes, Wi-Fi, NFC, or bea-cons).


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Aplicaciones Móviles

Desarrollamos aplicaciones nativas y aplicaciones web para todas las plataformas actuales. Tablet, smartphone, smartwatch o portable.

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Realidad Aumentada

Ya se trate de mobiliario, diseño de productos, automoción, juegos o ferias, diseñamos y desarrollamos aplicaciones móviles AR a medida y próximamente soluciones WebAR para tu sector.

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Sala de exposición virtual

Ya sea en una sala de exposiciones, un stand o en el mundo entero: Desarrollamos tu espacio virtual para esta era digital.

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Experiencias Web

Desarrollamos experiencias web interactivas utilizando tecnologías web de última generación como WebGL o HTML5.

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